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History of Psychology Through Symbols

From Reflective Study to Active Engagement

Volume 1

History of psychology through symbols.Through symbols and active engagement, Volume One provides the Historic Roots of modern Psychology through the Axial Age (800 BCE -200 BCE) which includes Greek thought, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Judaism. The Volume explores the influence of the Christian and Islamic eras which resulted in the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment. The Volume concludes with the History of Mental Illness and envisions radical system reform.

Volume 2

The cover of history of psychology through symbols.Volume Two continues the groundbreaking approach of utilizing symbols to explore the birth of modern psychology through early theories of voluntarism, structuralism. functionalism, the Darwinian revolution, and pragmatism. The Volume highlights the importance of understanding the shadow forces in science surrounding the controversies of eugenics, psychological testing, IQ, and psychological research. The Four Forces of Psychology are explored through Psychoanalytic/Jungian, Behaviorism, Humanistic/Existential and Transpersonal psychology which includes the history and treatment implications of the psychedelic movement.

A painting of two women with a ship in the background.

MACP PROGRAM SPECIAL LECTURE – November 8, 2024,12:00 PM

Guest Lecturer: Dr. James Broderick

Description: History of Psychology through Symbols (Vol I and II) explores how symbols enliven the experience of psychology’s incredible history. The presentation will discuss the subtitle: From Reflective Study to Active Engagement; how students can not only study, but live the lessons of history.

The Presentation will briefly highlight psychology’s beginning from the Axial Age (800 -200 BCE) through the modern development of its Four Forces which will include the psychedelic movement. Students are encouraged to visit the website prior to the presentation:

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James Broderick smiling.

Jim Broderick, Author

PhD, ABPP Board Certified in Clinical Psychology
Dr Broderick is currently in private practice in Santa Barbara California. He is the former Chair of the Clinical Psychology Program and current adjunct professor at Pacifica Graduate Institute, Carpinteria, California. He was formerly the director of Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol services in Shasta and Santa Barbara Counties in California. 
Psychotherapy Website:
Danuta Bennett wearing a cowboy hat and smiling.

Danuta Bennett, Illustrator

PhD, Artist and Graphic Designer
Danuta Bennett embraced Dr. Broderick's vision, dedicating herself tirelessly to crafting extraordinary artistic symbols that evoke a profound sense of history, transcending mere words. Viewing herself as a contemporary Abstract Realism artist, Danuta adeptly portrays the realism of metaphor while embracing the full spectrum of reality and its myriad transformations, both actual and potential. 

Volume 1 - Chapters

Volume 2 - Chapters

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