Fig 3.4 – Political ‘Trinity’
Text: Pages 110 and 111
In terms of diminishing the individual, Jung saw little basic difference between the state of the individual in Marxist or capitalist societies. His view was that both had advanced the same collectivist and commercial goals and belief systems that would ultimately fail just as institutional religion had failed.
Utilizing a Jungian approach to political power, Max Imboden based his analysis on archetypal symbols from the collective unconscious. He believed that before the creation of any legal system “that shall not kill” and monogamy were primordial symbols and archetypes that already existed and became conscious from the collective unconscious. Imboden believed that the major structures of the modern state could be represented through the symbol of the “trinity” of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government. The political “trinity” also reflected the three major types of political governance during recent periods in the world history: monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. In monarchy and aristocracy, the psyche was susceptible to a mass psychology and unconsciously surrendered individual political power.