Fig 3.15 – Individuation
Text: Pages 133 and 134
Jung was most interested in the symbols of Tibetan Buddhism and Hinduism. Mandalas were the basis for the design of Hindu temples, providing a sacred place for meditation regarding the three-dimensional representation of the universe: the spiritual, the lived environment, and the inner psychological experience of the world.
One of the most common depictions of Hindu mandala art was the yantra, which was the geometric symbol that represented communication with the higher power. The Hindu dot symbolized where the universe began and the infinite nature of the universe. The lotus flower symbolized the opening of the chakras to the meditative process. Upward triangles symbolized action and energy toward spirituality, while downward triangles symbolized creativity and the pursuit of spiritual knowledge.
In analytical psychology, individuation occurred through the development of a strong relationship of the ego with the Self. By creating a mandala, the ego experienced the deeper levels of the psyche. This was a reminder that the individuation process was not linear but was a circumambulation. It was circular movement toward the center, to the Self, the mandala symbolic of the individuation process.